health announcements


Video length: 2 min

General policy speeches: announcements concerning health

Unfulfilled paid appointments, regularization of foreign doctors… Gabriel Attal announced several measures on Tuesday January 30 to help the health system. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – J.Longchampt, F.Bouquillat, PY.Salique, P.Maire, F.Badaire, P.Brame

France Televisions

Unfulfilled paid appointments, regularization of foreign doctors… Gabriel Attal announced several measures on Tuesday January 30 to help the health system.

Faced with a health system under pressure, Gabriel Attal mentioned several avenues during his general policy speech on Tuesday January 30. For community medicine, each patient who does not honor their appointment without warning will have to pay for their consultation. At the hospital, to strengthen the workforce, the regularization of foreign doctors, estimated at 2000 by the unions, is being considered. An emissary will be tasked by the government with convincing students who have gone abroad to return to France.

The multiplication of access to care services

Against medical deserts, the Prime Minister announced the multiplication of SAS, access to care services. Present in around thirty departments in 2023, they will be everywhere in France in the coming months. Failing this, compulsory on-calls will be carried out by private doctors. “If we think that we are going to attract the youngest of our colleagues (…) that doesn’t work”criticizes Dr. Franck Devulder, president of the Confederation of French Medical Unions.

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