Health: a village is mobilizing to avoid the closure of the pharmacy


France 3

Article written by

France 3 Bourgogne, V. Thollet, R. Liboz, V. Jonnet – France 3

France Televisions

In Aignay-le-Duc (Côte-d’Or), residents are mobilizing to avoid the closure of the village pharmacy. The owner is retiring in the fall and has been looking for a buyer for two years, without success.

In Aignay-le-Duc (Golden Coast)the pharmacy is suspended. Its 68-year-old owner is looking for a buyer, but cannot find a candidate. “Because young people want to settle together. (…) At the limit, I am willing to give it to the pharmacy, if I find a young person who wants to work”says Geneviève Mayeuxdistraught.

The pharmacy, which has existed for one hundred and thirty years, is still very profitable. “Especially since here, you always have to travel a lot of kilometers to get something. So yes, a pharmacy in a village is still very important”comments a customer. If many shops are still open in Aignay-le-Duc, the closure of the pharmacy would put the balance of the former capital in danger. For François Melchior, municipal councilor (SE)the pharmacy is indeed “one of the locomotives of the village”.

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