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366 assaults on pharmacists were recorded in 2022, according to the latest report from the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists. The main reason: the refusal to deliver a drug. Data up 17% compared to 2019.
According to the latest report from the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists, 366 attacks on pharmacists were recorded in 2022. These are mainly verbal attacks, insults, but sometimes the violence becomes physical. Once on twenty, it even comes with a weapon. The main reason: the refusal to deliver a drug. The attacks had exploded during the Covid. While the peak is tending to subside, the data nevertheless shows an increase of 17% compared to 2019.
“You have to show great firmness”
Pharmacists deplore a feeling of insecurity on a daily basis. “You have to show great firmness. The difficulty is to put the cursor in the right place, that is to say to secure without bunkering the pharmacies a little”, believes Carine Wolf-Thal, president of the Order of Pharmacists, The Order calls on professionals not to let anything slip by systematically filing a complaint. This year again, 44% of pharmacists attacked did not take this step.