heal yourself by going to the museum


France 2

Article written by

V.Heurtel, D.Sebastien, G.Marque, P.Maire, M.Hauville, G.Giorgita, C.Brunet, B.Millau, L.Houel – France 2

France Televisions

A brand new initiative has just been launched: doctors send their patients to the museum. The idea for this museum order comes from Canada. Some museums even welcome visitors sent by their doctor free of charge.

Professor Gilles Montalescot Dear from the cardiology department Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP) received a patient who had just had a heart attack. To calm his anxiety, the doctor prescribed him a visit to go to the museum, this is called a museum prescription.We have a voluntary conference that will show you works that are beautiful and that will trigger pleasure and relaxation”explains the doctor.

The patient, Claudine, has selected the museum Marmottan-Monetlocated in Paris, for his therapy, like other patients. A patient association paid for the tickets. The guide, Françoise, will show them the Water Lilies as they have never seen them, with relaxation. “We are in the process of developing this new type of approach to works of art to be able to understand differently, perhaps a little less intellectually and more in feeling”explains Françoise hotter Gardian, tour guide Artbreathing.com.

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