Header Prize: Marissa Groguhé in the running

Our colleague Marissa Groguhé is in the running for an En-tête prize, which rewards reporting devoted to mental health. She was selected for her file Exhausted artists, canceled tourspublished in The Press at the beginning of 2023.

Based on the cancellations of shows made successively by Shawn Mendes, Santigold, Sam Fender and several others for reasons of exhaustion and mental health issues, the journalist had collected the confidences of artists from here also at the end of the roll. His research notably allowed him to reveal that 72% of artists questioned by various professional associations were experiencing psychological distress.

Read Marissa Groguhé’s file

The other reports in the running for the prize awarded for reporting on mental health at work are those of Ani-Rose Deschatelets (on the insults received by hardware store employees, in The right) and Florence Morin-Martel (on the exhaustion of social workers, in The duty). Two reports broadcast by Radio-Canada are among the four finalists in the youth mental health category.

The names of the winners will be announced in March.

This is not the first time that our colleague Marissa Groguhé has been noticed for a report on mental health. In May 2023, she even won a prize for a report produced with Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin, also published in The Pressabout a wave of suicides among performing artists in the wake of the pandemic.

Read the file by Marissa Groguhé and Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin

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