“He will remain a very great leader of French football”, says a member of the Comex of the FFF

Éric Borghini hailed the “absolutely remarkable results obtained” by Noël Le Graët “both economically and sportingly”.

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Noël Le Graët, who resigned as president of the French Football Federation, will remain “a very great leader of French football”, said Tuesday, February 28 on franceinfo Éric Borghini, member of the Executive Committee of the FFF and president of the Mediterranean League. Éric Borghini salutes the “absolutely remarkable results obtained” by Noel Le Graët “economically and sportingly”. At the head of French football for eleven years, Noël Le Graët “saved French football from perdition”he adds.

>> Resignation of Noël Le Graët: “It’s a relief”, reacts the president of the National Council of Ethics of the FFF

Éric Borghini thus justifies the decision taken by the president of the International Football Federation (Fifa), Gianni Infantino, to propose to Noël Le Graët to take the head of the Paris office of the international body. “No one intellectually honest can deny that Noël Le Graët has great expertise in football”, explains the member of the Comex of the FFF. He indicates that the age of Noël Le Graët is not an obstacle to this new position: “81 years old is puberty to be a FIFA leader”he adds.

“We make the difference between the man and the sports leader”

Éric Borghini also discusses the meeting held within the Executive Committee in the morning, during which Noël Le Graët “announced his decision to resign”. “He did it in extremely moving terms”, describes the president of the Mediterranean League. Éric Borghini ensures that the members of the Comex have been “sad” at the announcement of the resignation “because we make the difference between the man and the facts of which he is accused, and between the man and the sports manager”. Éric Borghini talks about a “forced resignation”. Indeed, Noël Le Graët had already been withdrawn from the presidency of the FFF since January. under investigation for “moral and sexual harassment”he was also singled out by an audit of the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research, denouncing his “behavioral deviations”.

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