he was arrested at his home


Video length: 1 min

Immigration law: the imam of Gard arrested with a view to his expulsion

Mahjoub Mahjoubi’s comments on the satanic tricolor flags made the rounds on social networks. The imam of Bagnols-sur-Cèze, in Gard, was arrested at his home with a view to his expulsion on Thursday February 22. – (franceinfo)

Mahjoub Mahjoubi’s comments on the satanic tricolor flags made the rounds on social networks. The imam of Bagnols-sur-Cèze, in Gard, was arrested at his home with a view to his expulsion on Thursday February 22.

The imam of Bagnols-sur-Cèze (Gard), Mahjoub Mahjoubi, is the target of an administrative investigation for advocating terrorism. He will be placed in administrative detention. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, welcomed this decision. “Without the immigration law, this would not have been possible. Firmness is the rule,” did he declare, after indicating that the imam had “was the subject of a home visit and an arrest”.

Anti-France comments

At the origin of his arrest, anti-France remarks made in a video posted on social networks. Mahjoub Mahjoubi gives “tricolor flags” a “satanic value“. According to the imam’s lawyer, Gérald Darmanin has the wrong target: “He aims badly, by targeting someone who pays for this policy that the Minister is talking about, namely the immigration law. He sets up Mr. Mahjoubi, he sacrifices him on the altar of what some want to hear (…) by presenting him like the devil.” His lawyer announced that he would contest the expulsion order. His appeals will not make it possible to stop the procedure.

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