he wants to control everything!

Every week, the program “The Voice” makes the best hours of TF1 ! Facing the camera, Amel Bent, Nolwenn Leroy, Vianney, Marc Lavoine and Florent Pagny struggle to find the rare pearl among all the talents who compete in the program. On April 30, 2022, viewers will follow the latest cross battles.

For the occasion, our colleagues from Tele-Leisure were able to produce a report alongside Vianney and his four talents: Gautier, Axel, Louise and Martin. During rehearsals, Catherine Robert’s companion gives them valuable advice. However, the artist is very demanding with his protégés.

“It’s a competition…”

Concerned about the smallest detail, the star checks everything so that they shine brilliantly on stage. “I don’t know how Marc, Amel and Florent do with their talents, but I like to have an opinion on the whole performance: staging, tone, outfit, etc. The talents are under enormous pressure so if I can, as a coach, relieve them of additional stress by taking care of the extras of their performance, so much the better! »confessed Edgar’s dad.

Behind the scenes, Vianney dissects everything! “The end is wobbly, it’s a competition. You have to impress them in the audience in the room, surprise them and send a great note at the end so that they vote for you”, he then blurted out to Axel. “When it’s simple, it’s beautiful, don’t get lost. You are so gifted that you do not need to add more. When he has an idea in mind, Vianney does not hesitate to talk about it with the production.

In the past, Mister Hat had to sing the title “Marie” by Johnny Hallyday… And a moon had been chosen for his passage. A choice that did not fail to puzzle the interpreter of “I’m leaving”: “It still has nothing to do with the song” ! At least things are said.


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