“He urinated on my clothes”: Vincent Moscato serial blunderer, his wife displays it live!

It has become in the space of a few years one of the voices that counts in the small world of sports journalism. For nearly fifteen years now,Vincent Moscato is at the helm of his own show on RMC antennas. In the Super Moscato Show, the former Stade Français rugby player, great friend of the late Christophe Dominici, hosts a show that is both serious and humorous, like the 57-year-old former athlete. If that weren’t enough, the native of Paris is also a comedian in his spare time and he has been criss-crossing France for several years with his shows.

A busy schedule, but that does not prevent Vincent Moscato from going to other shows. This is what he did recently by going to the show At Jordan for Télé-Loisirs, presented by journalist Jordan De Luxe, broadcast daily on C8. Éric Di Meco’s colleague was not alone and his wife Krystel even came on set at one point during the show. The opportunity for the beautiful blonde to tell an anecdote that is embarrassing to say the least about her husband, who seems particularly upside down… “He got up at night to go pee, but in fact he got the wrong door”she said in the preamble.

In my defense, it happened to a lot of people

Obviously not well awake, Vincent Moscato did not really make the difference with the bathroom door, which did not prevent him from continuing his action. “He opened my closet and he urinated on my clothes”, dropped Krystel, triggering hilarity on the set. If he seems to take his wife’s little anecdote well, the former rugby player who became a grandfather a short time ago wants to defend himself. “To my credit, it’s happened to a lot of people. You’re lost, you don’t know, you can’t find the toilets anymoreat some point you open something”he tried to defend himself somehow.

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