“He threw an object which exploded”, says a Ukrainian woman victim of the abuses of Russian soldiers

Lubov lives in Kolonshchyna, west of kyiv. She testifies to the atrocities they suffered, with her husband, from the Russian soldiers.

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Lubov pulls up his pants, pulls down his socks and lets the fifteen or so grenade shards appear on his calves. “There’s something insideshe notes. And there too in the foot, it hurts me a lot.” This resident of Kolonshchyna, a town west of kyiv (Ukraine), was injured after the explosion of a Soviet-made fragmentation grenade. She kept the pin: “We found this thing with scattered pieces of metal.”

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This is proof of a possible war crime of which she and her husband were victims. On March 17, they were hiding in the basement of their house. “A tank entered the street and started shooting at the housessays Lubov. He stopped near our house. Soldiers entered the yard and began to search. We took refuge in the cellar. One of them approached and shouted: ‘You Ukrainians, get out! We’re not going to kill you’, then he threw an object which exploded.”

Her husband, seriously injured while protecting her, is hospitalized in kyiv. He underwent seven operations, lu grenade shrapnel was removed. “As a mother, I feel sorry for these children [les soldats russes]released Lubov, tears in his eyes. Why did they come here, why did they do all this? It disgusts me to see them and people have suffered much more than me! But how can we behave like that? What have we done to them? We didn’t even come out of our houses to avoid them hurting us. I hate them and this Putin, let him die, he killed too many children.”

“I can’t take it anymore. For me it’s horror… horror.”

Lubov, an injured Ukrainian

at franceinfo

With a husband still hospitalized, children and grandchildren, gone to the West of Ukraine, Lubov is now alone, with her dog. She stayed in Kolonshchyna, and lives with a friend, the time to treat her wounds.

War in Ukraine: “He threw an object which exploded”, says a Ukrainian woman victim of the abuses of Russian soldiers

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