he shaved everything and he’s even sexier! -PICTURES

Presented for the first time to the public on the occasion of the Cabourg Film Festival which took place from Wednesday June 14 to Sunday June 18, 2023, the feature film “A zone to defend” directed by Romain Cogitore attracted beautiful people to the red carpet… Starting with the main actors of the film like Lyna Khoudri (“The French Dispastch”, “November”, “Papicha” or even François Civil (“The Three Musketeers”, “Bac Nord”, “Le chant du Loup” ).

Indeed, after having lent their voices to characters from “Buzz Lightyear” or more recently filmed together in “The Three Musketeers”, the two actors find themselves in this breathtaking melodrama which will be available exclusively on the Disney streaming platform. + from July 7th.

“François Civil and Lyna Khoudri are a duo of opposites, each has an energy in contrast to the other. François, whom I have known for a long time, is an extremely luminous, spontaneous, readable actor – he bases his acting on physical action: this time, I wanted to probe his restless and disturbing interiority, under the traitorous sympathy of the infiltrator. Lyna, for her part, has a mysterious, hard-hitting intensity. I was interested in going to explore with her the strength of a young mother, to deploy and film her bodily power, to seek with her to project her character in a group universe”, explained director Romain Cogitore about his film which tells the story of a DGSI officer (François Civil) sent under a false identity to infiltrate a Zad. A mission during which he meets Myriam (Lyna Khoudri) and discovers 18 months later that she has a baby.

See also: Gad Elmaleh: the comedian lived a nightmare for six hours!

A new haircut

A film presented in preview at the Cabourg Festival… So, it is quite natural that the actor François Civil lent himself to the game of photographers on the red carpet of the closing ceremony of the 37ᵉ festival on June 17, 2023… And surprise, the man of 33 unveiled his new haircut on the occasion of this event!

Say goodbye to long hair, as summer approaches, the hunk has bet on a shaved head that looks great on him… Photos to discover via the slideshow at the top of the page!


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