He sexually assaults his daughter again… 14 years later

A father who lost custody of his three-year-old daughter after sexually assaulting her took advantage of the victim’s desire to reconnect with him to assault her again 14 years later.

Difficult for a child to renounce her father even if he has committed the irreparable. It is for this reason that a 16-year-old girl who was under the supervision of the DPJ during her childhood expressed the desire to see her father again.

It is that in 2007, the child of barely three years old was sodomized by his father who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim. However, it was not until 2010 that the child reported the sexual assaults, his father being sentenced to 36 months while the child was entrusted to the DPJ.

In 2021, at the request of the victim who suffers from a slight intellectual disability, contact was initiated with his father, first under the supervision of the DPJ, then through the grandparents. However, from the second meeting of this type, during a weekend when the teenager was staying with her grandparents to receive a visit from her father, three complete sexual assaults took place.

When she returned to accommodation, the teenager who felt guilty for denouncing her father still verbalized the sexual assault. Two charges were filed against the 47-year-old man who pleaded guilty to incest and sexual exploitation.

He will return to court after the preparation of a sexological report to determine his sentence, he who has been incarcerated since December 2021.

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