“He represents failure”: Cyril Hanouna attacks a famous live columnist, war declared again

These statements did not escape Cyril Hanouna who was just receiving Fabrice Di Vizio that evening. He therefore did not appreciate the allusion of Patrick Cohen. “On the media, we invite Fabrice Di Vizio and he will always be, like others, because here, it is a space of freedom, there are always opponents and it is the debate which advances politics and ideas“, he first confided. Then, more annoyed, he attacked the 60-year-old columnist: “Patrick Cohen, who missed everything in his career, comes to give lessons to others, it’s crazy. I don’t mind if we miss everything, but don’t lecture others. He represents failure and comes to give advice to people.

This is not the first time that Cyril Hanouna has attacked Patrick Cohen. Last March, for example, the employee of France 5 had criticized Facing Babahis political programduring an interview for Le Parisien. “With him, everything is at the service of clash, spectacle and low blows. We zap from one theme to another without going deeper, in a caricatural way“, he had launched in particular. The dad of Lino and Bianca (10 and 11 years old, the fruit of his former love with Emilie) was therefore quick to react. He took advantage of his appearance on a CNEWS program for him answer. He had advised him to “sweep in front of his door and stop giving advice to the French“.”I may disagree with Marine Le Pen but I respect the people on my set. I am not a lecturer. I’m the anti-Patrick Cohen. He is a lesson giver. People don’t want that anymore!“, he had concluded.

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