he represented “a certain humanist idea” but “a left in which I do not necessarily recognize myself”, declares LFI deputy Eric Coquerel

Jacques Delors, former minister of François Mitterrand and president of the European Commission, died on Wednesday at the age of 98. Eric Coquerel, LFI deputy, pays tribute to a man who had “values ​​that drove him, which were not those of a thirst for power”.


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Eric Coquerel, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, guest of 8:30 franceinfo on December 28, 2023. (FRANCEINFO)

Jacques Delors represented “a certain humanist and noble idea of ​​the politics of sincerity” but “a left in which I do not necessarily recognize myself”, explains Thursday December 28 on franceinfo the LFI deputy Eric Coquerel. Jacques Delors, former president of the European Commission between 1985 and 1995, and figure of the French left, died on Wednesday December 27 at the age of 98.

“Jacques Delors, but I believe with sincerity, thought that European construction was worth going through the construction of a large single market, adapted to the current rules of capitalism”explains the deputy La France insoumise, “that is to say deregulation, free trade, austerity policy, in order to build Europe and then we would certainly see social Europe”. But Eric Coquerel regrets “that we have not seen social Europe”.

For him, the problem “there are people who succeeded him”quoting François Hollande or even Emmanuel Macron, who “continued this social-liberal policy”Who “brought the defeat of the left in quite a few places”. “On the political record [de Jacques Delors]that is to say the way for socialism to transform things, to break with an unjust system which is that of financialized capitalism, let us see that there is a failure”deplores Eric Coquerel.

However, Eric Coquerel would like to pay tribute to a man who had “values ​​which animated him, which were not those of a thirst for power, of wanting, at all costs, to become President of the Republic”. It refers in particular to the moment when Jacques Delors, in 1994, gave up running in the 1995 presidential election. “From this point of view”It is “a policy that suits me”recognizes the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis.

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