“He puts her on the ground to start beating her and disfiguring her face”, comedian Camille Lellouche struck by an incredible story

She very often shares content that makes us die of laughter. Whether through her publications on her feed or in her stories, Camille Lellouche always tries to make her community hilarious and that feels good these days. However, on Tuesday March 15, the artist and humorist shared a post that was much less fun than usual…

Indeed, she relayed the sad story of which the young Alicia Ndaya was the victim on March 14. A story told by the victim’s aunt on her Instagram account sent shivers down her spine. “Hello family… I am writing to you with shaking hands because today was a nightmare for me and my family… Our 10 year old baby soon to be 11 years old, Alicia Ndaya was on her way to her lunch hour at home as in usual since the start of the pandemic she comes home for her dinner hour”she begins before recounting the nightmare experienced by the young Alicia:

Beaten for nothing…

“Today at 11:30 a.m. her life and that of her mother (my sister) have changed. A man, I mean A MAN aged 40-45, took it out on her for NOTHING, I mean NOTHING!!! This man was staring at my niece on her way home and my niece well behaved and still as loving as she is by nature.. smiled at this man not knowing what he could do to her. puts on the ground to start beating her and disfiguring her beautiful angel face for I repeat NO GOOD REASON!!!”, she continues. “Fortunately”, the young girl was not alone at the time of the facts. Her friend, who had just left her on the road, was able to witness the scene and warn her mother to alert her to the situation.

“And luckily my niece’s friend who was still near her ran home to notify her mother and a few people around were able to grab this patient and call the police”, Alicia’s aunt added. The latter, letting it be known that the life of her niece “will never be the same again, she may no longer smile at kind-hearted people and will have lost the taste for going out to play in the yard and in the neighborhood with her friends”.

The family, like Camille Lellouche who shared this post, asks for justice to be done. This applies to all the victims of these “gratuitous” attacks in the middle of the street.

See also:


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