“He must say loud and clear that Putin is a murderer”, asks a former Ukrainian MP

Emmanuel Macron arrives in kyiv on Thursday morning. The Ukrainian citizens we met believe that the French president should stop any attempt to negotiate with Russia.

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Supporting Ukraine without provoking Russia has been the strategy of France and Germany since the start of the war. But, as Emmanuel Macron goes to Ukraine on Thursday, June 16, this balancing act can no longer last, believes Refat Tchubarov. A former deputy, he represents the Crimean Tatars, this Turkish-speaking and Muslim people of the peninsula which was annexed by the Russians in 2014: “When Macron says that we must not humiliate Putin, it makes us jump. We expect a very clear position from France. This war can only end when Russia respects international law. During his visit In kyiv, Macron must say loud and clear that Putin is a murderer and that criminals like him must be punished.”

>> War in Ukraine: follow the arrival of Emmanuel Macron in kyiv in our live

Historian and community activist, Andreï Marusov is one of the survivors of Mariupol. He too expects guarantees from European leaders: “Italy, France and Germany want to discuss with Putin, but there is nothing to negotiate.

“For me, the only option is for these countries to put pressure to stop the war, for Russia to withdraw its troops and for us to return to the borders that were ours before the invasion.”

Andrei Marusov, historian and community activist

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Emmanuel Macron, Mario Draghi and Olaf Scholz have been warned: more than reassuring words, the Ukrainians now expect strong actions and unequivocal military support.

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