“He killed a child, he’s outside”, “It’s France!”, Rapper Koba LaD attacks Pierre Palmade on Canal+!

Koba LaD is now a free man. At just 23 years old, the famous rapper has just been released from prison after serving a four-month sentence. We are in November 2022, Koba LaD and several of his friends leave a nightclub located in the Parisian district of Madeleine, when a violent fight breaks out. A few hours later, we learn that the young rapper is indicted for aggravated violence, then placed in pre-trial detention. He will finally be sentenced to four months in prison… he who had already been sentenced to three months in prison suspended in 2020.

Released from prison a few weeks ago, the artist from Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), accepted Mouloud Achour’s invitation for his program “Clique”. The opportunity for him to answer a few questions about the great musical comeback but also about the prison world and life in prison. So here is what he replies when asked what he does during his days: “Sport. Alone in the cell, alone on a walk. I was thinking on my own, I was listening to music. You have your HiFi system , you have your CDs. Calm, quiet. I was listening to Bolémvn, I was listening to ZKR, I was listening to Jul. I was really listening to that, I think”.

If he is adored by a whole generation outside, Koba LaD did not benefit from preferential treatment from the other prisoners during his incarceration. “In prison, there are no stars or whatever, everyone is the same. We are all together in the same boat, we all stick together, and go ahead, we move forward”.

Koba LaD gives his opinion on the Palmade case
Mouloud Achour took advantage of this exchange to question his guest on the Palmade affair. The opportunity to point out the differences in treatment between personalities in the face of justice. “I followed a bit. It’s France big, what do you want me to tell you? When your skin is a little darker, it’s a little harder. Me, I just got out of a fight in a nightclub, I took four months. He killed a child, he was under I don’t know what, he’s outside. It’s France. I’m not going to cry over my fate, we’re not all white in this story.” first laments Koba LaD, whose real name is Marcel Junior Loutarila.

And the young man adds: “I’m not trying to compare myself to him, it’s going to get on my nerves. Me, it’s me, him, it’s him. If he’s not in prison, good for him, what do you want me to tell you? God willing, justice will do its job properly. He’s fine anyway, he’s lucky. If now people can be on coke, on alcohol, kill babies and not go to jail, good for them, big.”


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