he is tried for having lynched a delivery man, just after being convicted of a knife fight

He has just been convicted of a knife fight, and he was on trial again this Friday, November 19 for having beaten up a delivery man.

This 21-year-old young man was sentenced earlier this week for a knife fight outside Joxabana, a bar in downtown Mont-de-Marsan. A case that dates back to Friday, November 12 and for which he receives four years in prison, one of which was suspended.

An escalation of violence

He is also used to courts. Indeed, barely 21 years old, he already has 14 records in his criminal record for thefts, insults, assaults, which begin even though he is a minor. Obviously, he follows a logic of escalation of violence, until arriving at this aggression of last November 3: in the early morning, he attacks a drug delivery man, in front of the Peyrouat pharmacy in Mont-de- Marsan.

He then devotes himself to a real outburst of violence with kicks in the head, in the stomach … The delivery man is “lynched”, according to the term used by the prosecutor of the Republic of Mont-de-Marsan, Olivier Janson. And the attacks do not stop, until, luckily, a witness intervenes. Otherwise, “he could very well have killed this delivery man”, assures Olivier Janson.

The delivery man suffers as well many fractures, and the doctors prescribed him 42 days of total incapacity for work, which is enormous in this type of case. An extremely violent and more absurd assault, since the young man gives no explanation in custody.

Trial postponed

He was tried this Friday in immediate appearance, but his lawyer asked that the hearing be postponed to prepare his defense. The young man will therefore be tried again on December 10, and in the meantime, he remains in prison.

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