“He is not always complimentary”: Philippe Katerine talks about his relationship with his stepfather Gérard Depardieu

Philippe Katerine and Julie Depardieu met for the first time in 2008, during a photo shoot for a magazine. “During the endless interview, we didn’t agree on anything. It was impossible for him to like me!“, told Julie to Paris Matchin January 2021. She met the musician the following year, in 2009, on the set of the film I am a no man’s land by Thierry Jousse. The daughter of Gérard Depardieu had immediately refused her role, thinking that Philippe Katerine would do the same.

I knew then that he loved me. I was surprisedthen remembered the daughter of Gérard Depardieu. He was in a relationship and I was not ready, I had just lost my brother [Guillaume Depardieu, décédé en 2008, NDLR]. It took until 2010 for this to materialize.

In this same interview, Julie confided in their life as a couple, a life she described as quite ordinary, punctuated by their agreements and disagreements: “On laugh a lot, we get along well. We are as much alike as we are opposite. Philippe surprises me, upsets me. I am amazed in front of him. What he writes is magnificent, his poetry touches me… We love each other as much in our madness as in our simplicity. On a daily basis, it is balanced. He puts his madness into his creations, drawing, singing or writing.

Philippe Katerine and Julie Depardieu are parents of two boys, Billy and Alfred, aged 10 and 9.

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