He is making a documentary on Mayenne wildlife

“You all know what a tiger looks like, but would you recognize a marten if you saw it in a Mayenne forest?”, It is from this premise that Lucas Hobé, a 27-year-old documentary maker from Laval, started off with his first medium-length film, produced with the Mayenne naturalist photographer Éric Médard, and the Atmosphères Production association. Within reach of the savage, is a 26-minute documentary filmed in Mayenne which is intended to represent the wild animals of our department, but also a manifesto for the defense of nature.

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At 27, Lucas Hobé, passionate about images, decided to quit journalism to devote himself to documentaries. At the start of 2021, he touched his dream, in contact with the Mayenne naturalist photographer Éric Médard, the two men decided to go for it. From Bourgneuf-la-Forêt to the banks of the Mayenne, the shooting lasted five months between March 2021 and July 2021.

Éric Médard, photographer from Mayenne participated in the creation of the film and is one of the main characters © Radio France
Lucas Hobé

“The idea is also to show these animals with whom we live on a daily basis without knowing, explains Lucas Hobé. Lately we saw a lot of marten or badgers on the side of the road, but it takes time and knowledge of the territory to see them in real life “.

Two Common Harriers in full mating.
Two Common Harriers in full mating. © Radio France
Eric Medard

In this documentary the tone is simple, “we didn’t want to do scientific naturalism”, explains Lucas Hobé. You will therefore follow the photographer Éric Médard, and especially the animals in their daily life.

How to see it?

For now, the documentary is only shown in theaters. Several screenings are already planned in Mayenne. December 10 and 12 at the Trianon cinema in Bourgneuf-la-Forêt and December 13 at the Le Vox cinema in Mayenne. Lucas Hobé is also looking to broadcast it on television., it could also appear on the programming of several animal festivals in 2022.

Ultimately, Lucas Hobé wants À Reach du Sauvage to be broadcast in all schools in the department.

Lucas Hobé, the director of the film.
Lucas Hobé, the director of the film. © Radio France
Lucas Hobé

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