“He is a man who spoke little, but who spoke correctly”, reacts Jean-Christophe Cambadélis


Video length: 6 min

Death of Robert Badinter: “He is a man who spoke little, but who spoke correctly”, reacts Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, former first secretary of the Socialist Party

Guests of 19/20 info, Friday February 9, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, former first secretary of the Socialist Party, and Jean-Pierre Mignard, lawyer at the Paris Bar and doctor in comparative criminal law, react to the death of Robert Badinter. – (franceinfo)

Guests of 19/20 info, Friday February 9, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, former first secretary of the Socialist Party, and Jean-Pierre Mignard, lawyer at the Paris Bar and doctor in comparative criminal law, react to the death of Robert Badinter.

Robert Badinter, former socialist Minister of Justice, died on the night of Thursday February 8 to Friday February 9. “He was a man who spoke little, but who spoke correctly”reacts Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, former first secretary of the Socialist Party, in the 19/20 info, Friday. “For us, he was the democratic watchdog, the man of human rights”continues Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, before adding: “Tonight, the socialists are not mourning the activist, they are mourning their souls, because he embodied their soul of justice.” “It’s a very big loss,” he concludes.

“A man shaped by a family tragedy”

Also present on the set of 19/20 info, Jean-Pierre Mignard, lawyer at the Paris Bar and doctor in comparative criminal law, says he worked with Robert Badinter from 1981, “when it was necessary to implement the first laws of the left”. He remembers a man “very convenient” And “friendly”. “It’s really a type of personality that belongs to a time, to a history, (…) and this history is no longer ours”estimates the lawyer. “He is a man shaped by a family tragedy, which is that of the Jews of the East”recalls Jean-Pierre Mignard.

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