“He hasn’t seen anything yet!”

A few days ago, Vianney took the floor on social networks to answer questions from internet users following the first broadcast of the last Enfoirés clip, “There will always be an appointment”. Many have indeed regretted the absence of certain stars in the video, like Kendji Girac, Mimie Mathy, or even Michael Jones. The latter also commented last year on the arrival of the interpreter of Jen m’en va within the troupe: “This time, he was present and, obviously, given the artist’s maturity and talent, he got into it without a problem. It was perfect !“, Lu juror of The Voice, who participated in the last edition of Enfoirés, wanted to explain himself on the subject on Wednesday February 22. “I’m starting to know this band well and I can assure you that the ones not in the clip are amazing“, he said before adding: “The band of Jean-Jacques is rich in all these fierce people who work for the most disadvantaged. Volunteers, musicians, organizers, technicians, singers, actors, athletes, donors. I am proud to belong to this troupe.

Patrick Bruel expresses his regrets

If Michael Jones is delighted to see Vianney having fun in the Enfoirés troupe, another singer expresses a little regret. Patrick Bruel, who is one of the pillars of this troupe and who recorded his 30th show, had the chance to enjoy the show with the public, conditions before the health crisis. So inevitably finding himself in an empty room saddens him: “It’s frustrating for those who have already experienced these fabulous moments of communion with this one“. It’s even harder for him to see Vianney proven from all this, from “the atmosphere of the show”: “He’s been told for two years, ‘you’ll see, the public is just crazy’. Except that for the moment he hasn’t seen anything yet“.

See also: Inès Reg absent from social networks, the comedian breaks the silence and formalizes great news!

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