he had mentioned “death” in a funny way on his social networks a few days ago!

The information, revealed by The Sunday newspaperupset the Music Victoriesbroadcast on France 2, Friday, February 10, 2023. Shortly before 7 p.m. that same day, comedian Pierre Palmade found himself imprisoned in his car after a collision with two other vehicles, in a terrible road accident. Facts that took place near the town of Villiers-en-Bière, in Seine-et-Marne, on the RD372 not far from the forest of Fontainebleau and the comedian’s home. This Saturday, February 11, we learn from theAFP that the latter was driving his vehicle when he hit another car coming from opposite with, on board, a pregnant woman, a six-year-old child and a man. Quickly evacuated by road and by helicopter, their vital prognosis would be engaged as well as that of Pierre Palmade who was transported by air to Bicêtre hospital, in the Paris region.

“Among the five victims, three had to be extricated”

Always according toAFP who contacted the Melun prosecution, a third “vehicle arrives and hits the family vehicle from behind”, driven by an 80-year-old man, who was only slightly injured. According to a police source reported by theAFPamong the five victims, three had to be extricated from their vehicle, including Pierre Palmade”. Witnesses also claim, according to the same source, that two passengers in the vehicle of the 54-year-old actor fled following the collision. This Saturday, February 11, 2023, at the time of writing, the four people very seriously injured in this accident, including Pierre Palmade, still see their vital prognosis engaged. An investigation, opened for “unintentional injuries per driver resulting in incapacity for work of more than three months”, was entrusted to the Melun Val-de-Seine police station, said the prosecution.

“I’m not a third of my life away, no”

But a few days ago, the native artist of Bordeaux, took over his Instagram account to post a most disturbing video. Strange premonition? Filming himself close-up in his living room, the comedian indeed talks about his death in a kind of rather curious calculation: “Twice 54, 108, that is, if I’m halfway through my life, I’d die at 108. And 3 times 54.162, which means that if I’m at a third of my life, I would die at 162, but that’s still unlikely. Yes… no… I’m not a third of my life away, no.” Let’s hope that there is no bad omen behind this message.

See also: Pierre Palmade in very serious condition!


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