“He disappeared”, live on France 2, a presidential candidate wonders… where did Macron go!

France 2 broadcast a new number ofElysee 2022 this Tuesday April 5, 2022. The opportunity for Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier to receive, a few short days before the first round, Anne Hidalgo, Valérie Pécresse, Yannick Jadot, Eric Zemmour and Philippe Poutou.

The latter was particularly noted. “I had a question for you first. I want to know if you have any news from Macron? We thought he would be there. We knew he didn’t want to argue but we’re surprised. Is he really a candidate? Is he running a campaign? What do you think of that? He disappeared ?“, he quickly launched to his interlocutors, embarrassed.

First thing, the principle of the show is very simple and the last two shows in the series are reserved for candidates. They are free or not to come. The second thing is that we strictly apply the speaking time, during the second part, we will therefore hear Emmanuel Macron in another register with the journalists of France Televisions”, then explained Laurent Guimier.

And while Léa Salamé wanted to question him about his program, the representative of the anti-capitalist party decided to stand up. “You know, I have spent so little time on television that I can waste two minutes.”

See also: Léa Salamé confides in her pregnancy!


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