he admits on the set of “C à vous” that his wife is “gone” and that he has faced enormous difficulties!

On the occasion of the release of the film “10 days again without mom”, a film which will be released in theaters on April 12, 2023, Franck Dubosc was the guest in “C à vous” on Thursday April 6. The opportunity to evoke the role he plays in this fiction, that is to say a father forced to take care of his four children alone after being abandoned by his wife for a few days… A case of figure which the 59-year-old actor has also already been confronted with in real life… At least that’s what he confided to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine on the set of his daily show on France 5.

“Once, my wife left, just after the filming of the first (“10 days without mom”, Editor’s note). She left for a week to do a rally. She wrote me everything, the moms WhatsApp address, football times… Everything! The canteen, the thing, the thing… I lasted 2 days! I called my mother-in-law who came from Lebanon to the rescue! And there, from the third day, it was,” he recalled.

The opportunity for the actor to salute the courage of all the housewives who manage to maintain the house while taking care of the children: “You are goddesses, women are indispensable! The best part of me is you…”said Franck Dubosc.

“I won’t be able to do it”

And if the actor praised the courage of the housewives, it is because just before, the father of the family let it be known that he was unable to play this role: “I would assume it in front of others, to say it, I find that there is even something to be proud of. No sycophancy or anything. But I wouldn’t be able to do it.”he admitted.

As a reminder, Franck Dubosc is the father of two children born of his love affair with his discreet companion Danièle: Raphaël born in 2010 and Milhan born in 2012.


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