HBC Nantes: the preparation is launched for the men of Grégory Cojean

Holidays are over, make way for the new season for HBC Nantes which began its preparation since Tuesday. Presentation, information meeting, group photo on the program, before attacking the physical part on Thursday. ” We have two big blocks planned ” indicates the new coach Grégory Cojean, who replaces the Spaniard Alberto Entrerrios. ” A first focused on the physical aspect with a gradual resumption of handball, and a second devoted to the technical-tactical aspect until the Trophée des Champions “.

Stay close to Nantes to keep energy

This Champions Trophy will oppose the H at the PSG ogre on Saturday September 3 in Poitiers. Before that, this re-start was only carried out near Nantes. For a very specific reason: We are going to Mûr-de-Bretagne for a five-day course. We didn’t want to spend too much energy traveling far because we know we’re going to be traveling a lot this season. “explains Grégory Cojean. Nantes handball players will still visit Portugal and Strasbourg as part of two friendly tournaments.

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