This article is over three years old.
Video duration:
18 mins
Direct line with KAD MERAD, He answers questions from our viewers.
When we look at Kad Merad’s bio, he is definitely a complete artist! Comedian, actor, director. And that’s not all !!! He returns in March to the Théâtre de la Michaudière with a play “AMIS” in which he plays and a new challenge: he directed it! In Ligne Directe, we too have our little “emotional” moments. And before getting into the hard news, we’ll share a discovery with you: VIDEO Kad sings with Johnny Haliday. Actor, humorist, director, director and singer…. Isn’t that too much? A viewer actually has a question for Kad about this “Swiss army knife” aspect. The world of cinema is not always kind to popular actors: Michel Galabru or Daniel Auteuil have paid the price and when in addition, like Kad we move from one artistic profession to another, it makes one cringe because we like to put artists in boxes. Speaking of the world of cinema, the news this week is the venerable institution of the Cesars and the surge of nominations for the film “J’accuse” by Roman Polanski. Does Kad Merad position himself in this matter? the artist answers a viewer’s question about the evolution of behavior on movie sets. This week in the news is also the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp and the release of studies which remind us that anti-Semitism and racism are still very much alive in our society. Question from a viewer on Kad’s foreign origins, according to him today is this an asset or a difficulty? He also reacts to the interview with Dany Boon given to our radio station. We end the show with a surprise for Kad: VIDEO from a very special viewer
Kad Merad at the Theater de la Michaudière from March 3 in “Amis” and in concert at La cooperative de Mai in Clermont Ferrand on February 23