Have your cat or dog looked after when you go on vacation

How to keep your favorite pet when you go on vacation and you can’t take it…

franceinfo: Every year, it’s the same puzzle, how to find a solution?

Fanny Guinochet: The first thing, the simplest, is obviously to find a neighbor, or a friend, who kindly and graciously will do this service for you, and come by regularly in your absence to feed your cat, take your dog out, water your plants, etc. .. But if you can’t find it, there are options.

You can register on a collaborative site where you exchange your services like “borrow my doggie.com”, for dogs. Via these sites, you can either take a dog temporarily or keep yours. Otherwise, you can look for what is called in English a “cat or pet sitter”. There, for a little money, the person comes to your house and takes care of your animal, every day, she cuddles it, often she sends you some photos to reassure you

The best thing is to ask your entourage and friends who, like you, have an animal. Your veterinarian can also be of good advice to help you find the right “cat or pet sitter”. Otherwise, several sites exist to help you find someone near you: on “amimalin.com”, the services start at 8 euros per day. There is also “animaute.fr” which offers you either to go to your house or that your animal is welcomed in a foster family, it prevents your animal from feeling alone, but it is in another territory than the one you ‘he knows.

Can we also entrust him to a pension?

Yes, this formula is developing more and more in France. It’s often a little more expensive than just visiting your home, it takes around 20/30 euros per day, but you don’t have to worry about anything. You deposit your animal in a kennel, a pension, it is taken care of with other animals, there is a team with veterinarians. Ask for a quote depending on the length of stay, the type of animal you leave. Before committing, however, check that the structure is approved.

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