Mother’s Day is approaching, it’s time for many to buy a bouquet… And why not this year in a distributor? This is what Karine Potin offers, florist in the small village of Dierre 40 minutes from Tours in Indre-et-Loire. A personal choice of life for the shopkeeper, but for three years the distributor Bulle de fleurs has also won over customers.
– Solene Gardre
50% of income thanks to the distributor
“At the moment there are quite a few peonies”shows Karine Potin, pointing to the bouquets installed in the twelve compartments of its distributor. Visitors order on a screen installed next to the lockers, “They select the one that interests them and pay by credit card”explains the florist.
The idea comes to him when he sees the vegetable distributor of a neighboring trader. “I just wanted to enjoy my privacy while working and I thought it was a good idea.” Behind the distributor is Karine Potin’s house and workshop, where she makes bouquets for various events. 50% of its revenue comes from the distributor. Even if Dierre is a small village, “It’s a busy road and there aren’t many florists around”she explains.
– Solene Gardre
Watch out for the temperature in the lockers
Florist in store for almost 20 yearsKarine Potin did not have to make so many adjustments for her distributor. “You have to be on site as much as possible to check the freshness of the flowers and pay attention to the temperature: putting exotic flowers in the lockers in the middle of winter is not a good idea. And on the contrary when it’s very hot, I Choose flowers that are more exotic and hardier, not roses for example.”
It’s easier for those who work with staggered hours. For example, I know a policeman who came in the middle of the night during his rounds because he had forgotten to buy flowers for Valentine’s Day!” – Karine Potin, florist at Bulle de Fleurs
Customers are quickly there. “Already, the confinement helped me because the florists in the shop were closed, so when the customers were looking they fell on me.” Three years later, success is confirmed. “It’s easier for those who work with staggered hours. For example, I know a policeman who once came in the middle of the night during his rounds because he had forgotten to buy flowers for Valentine’s Day!”