This type of loan, which allows you to buy a new home before having sold the old one, is not without risks in this period of market slowdown.
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This is usually a solution to buy your future home without delay. Thanks to the bridging loan, a short-term loan which generally extends over one to two years, owners can benefit from a quick cash injection so as not to miss out on a good deal, while taking their time to sell their house or apartment. In this period of slowdown in the real estate market, this option can, however, prove risky. There are fewer potential buyers, and sellers are sometimes forced to sell off their property in the hope of finding a buyer before the loan expires.
The franceinfo editorial staff would like to give a voice to households who have taken out a bridging loan and who are worried as the term of this loan approaches. What difficulties are you encountering in selling your previous home? Have you been forced to lower the price of your property, or are you considering doing so? Looking back, do you regret taking out a bridging loan?
If you are concerned, your testimony interests us and you can answer our questions in the form below. Your responses will be consulted in the coming days by our journalists. They will remain confidential and no publication concerning you will take place without your consent. Anonymity is also possible. The testimonies that catch our attention will result in direct contact.