“Have you been hacked TF1?”, “It’s unheard of”, “The guy from the management fell asleep”, “Cyril Hanouna took control”, on the front page, the viewers of the “Grand competition” were taken aback!

If Arthur was present from 9:10 p.m. on TF1it was to take the reins of the Grand Concours before animating its unstoppable, On Friday, everything is allowed. Several personalities responded to this call: Booder, Michel Boujenah, Philippe Caverivière, Camille Cerf, Vincent Desagnat, Donel Jacksman, Anne-Sophie Girard, Jean-Luc Lemoine, Marine Lorphelin, Amandine Petit, Anne Roumanoff, Yoann Riou, Elie Semoun, Tareek, Titoff, Edgar Yves and Alex Vizorek.

An edition that suffered from a few bugs. While the Belgian comedian was answering a question, the latter was cut off by a pub break. Something to surprise viewers and Internet users, who absolutely did not expect that. This incident gave rise to a few tweets:

“MDRRRRR this is unheard of! Have you been hacked on TF1 or what? Since when do we put an ad in the middle of a 2nd round question? I thought it was my Internet connection that was messing up, but no” , “What, what are you doing to us, there, not understandable, in the middle of the game, in the middle of a question? What’s going on. I believed in the pub, later , no it started again, and there, incomprehensible? Answers? “Yes, no respect for the viewer and Alex”, “The guy from the management fell asleep”, “Cyril Hanouna took control”could we read.

The return to advertising was just as…unexpected!

During the final, a Twitter account raised a new problem:

At the end of the evening, it was Jean-Luc Lemoine who won for the second time after June 2022. The former columnist of Touche Pas À Mon Poste succeeds Camille Cerf, winner of the previous edition, special yellow pieces, with the presence of Brigitte Macron in January 2023.

See also: “We had to provide two different women after 8 p.m.”, invited on “TPMP”, the editor Isabelle Saporta opens the floodgates on PPDA!


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