have we lost the culture of winning?

For the players’ agent Christophe Hutteau, who has known the club for many years and of which nine players are currently at the FCGB, Gérard Lopez does not insist on this aspect, but he inherits a club totally traumatized by what happened the year latest.

Christophe Hutteau: Joe DaGrosa came to serve himself not to serve!

The passage of GAPC, that is to say of Joe DaGrosa and his men, has done a terrible damage to the club. They did not come to serve, but to serve themselves, and this is a fundamental difference, says Christophe Hutteau. In his interview Gérard Lopez also mentioned the lack of culture of winning at the Girondins de Bordeaux. Author of the championship cup double in 1987 with Bordeaux, striker Philippe Fargeon joined the President. According to him, we have always said that Bordeaux was the place to come to finish his career because there is no pressure, we are in the exceptional setting of the castle of Haillan, in a city which is pleasant, with supporters who are always behind you, who have rarely been against the players. So, we are in a system that allows us to be well.

Philippe Fargeon: in Bordeaux, we may have forgotten that we had to win!

So, maybe indeed that for years, we made the good life in Bordeaux and that we forgot that Bordeaux is a great club for which it was necessary to move a little to gain esteem the former Bordeaux striker. In addition, if Gérard Lopez admitted that the 16th place does not correspond to the means involved in Bordeaux, 118 million euros is the 6th budget of Ligue 1, he also said that the replacement of Vladimir Petkovic ” was not a subject “. For Christophe Hutteau, the truth of one day is not that of the next day and even less that of the day after. According to the players’ agent, the club may have very difficult times, the boat may rock very hard but Gérard Lopez is someone who knows football well, who has certain experience with Lille where he has already lived that. , and let’s not forget that at one point, when it came to making decisions, he took them in particular by sacking Marcello Bielsa.

Gérard Lopez knows how to decide: in Lille, he sacked Marcello Bielsa.

Can this happen to Vladimir Petkovic? I do not know »Wonders and replies Christophe Hutteau but, at some point, we will have to stop talking and have results, because we must not forget that Bordeaux is the worst defense in the championship: 20th worst defense out of 20. It’s hard to do worse. So can we hope for a better return phase? Without pouring into blissful optimism, the player’s agent hopes so and fully agrees with Gérard Lopez when he says that it will take time. Is the club going to have any? ” That is another story and I am not in a position to be able to make a judgment at this level »Concludes Christophe Hutteau.

We are 16th! The return phase must be better.

For Philippe Fargeon, the concern is not whether Vladimir Petkovic is the man for the job or not, the concern is that we are 16th and that the return phase will have to be better than the first leg and it is well the only concern of the former striker Gironde. There are two games left to complete the first leg of the season. The reception of the defending champion, Lille, and the trip to Troyes, current 15th two points behind Bordeaux. A (still) very important match that you will be able to experience live and in full on France Bleu Gironde.

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