Have the courage to dream | The Press

Have you ever felt like life is slipping through your fingers? That one day we aspire to be and the next day we become? You’re going to tell me, what do we become? Well, it’s simple: we become “that next generation”.

Posted at 3:00 p.m.

Sarah-Lizabeth Paquette

Sarah-Lizabeth Paquette
Master’s student in international studies, Graduate School of International Studies, Laval University

Society has expectations of us. By being this next generation, each of us becomes a kind of life engineer. It will be necessary to find fragments of solutions to the ills of our society, but also to those of the world, and this, in all social spheres. This is how each and everyone will begin their own path in life: a unique path strewn with challenges, successes and failures. The biggest piece to swallow will be surviving the x-rays of conformity and judgment: because we know that a low dose of x-rays will have a minimal effect on our cells, but a high dose is death cell that occurs.

In other words, it is to realize that life is not synonymous with conformity and that we are designed to be impervious to judgment. It’s about going beyond the Instagrams and TikToks of this world, where looks and looks can drown some out.

And once we realize this, nothing can stop us.

Life is about being who we are, respecting each other. It is to have the courage and the deep will to learn to love oneself. It is to put forward the difference, so that normality actually becomes this heterogeneous amalgam: a mandala where all its malleable geometric figures find their place.

And I like to think that my generation understood those life lessons. One step at a time, we will build a better world, a society that will be able to evolve over the generations that make it up. It is by educating ourselves, by getting involved, by debating, by voting in elections, but particularly by evolving side by side, that we will wander far. Very far.

Is it idealistic? Without a doubt.

Richard Séguin, in his song What do we leave them?answers the following: “the courage to dream”.

It is the courage to dream. Let’s go.

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