have the candidates already had cosmetic surgery?

Surgery is no longer a taboo and this “process” has been democratized, in part, thanks to reality TV. Indeed, many candidates for programs such as The Marseillais, The Angels, or The Princes of Love, have already gone to the billiards to redo their chest, their buttocks, their nose, or even a hair transplant. As it concerns Top chefthe candidates are much less numerous than in the other shows.

However, there is indeed a candidate who has gone through surgery. If you followed the 2017 season, you probably know Samuel Albert who is none other than the winner of the season taking place this year. The latter, no doubt complexed by the little hair on his skull, then made the choice to go to Turkey to overcome this problem. “If you are watching this video it is probably, like me, you want to do a hair transplant”he began in a video posted on Instagram before adding: “I had been thinking about it for a long time and I found Now Hair Time on Instagram. I must say that I am really super satisfied, the service is really top notch. It costs about five times less than in France and the services are much more premium”.

By having recourse to this operation, Samuel Albert therefore entered the box of candidates who had already had recourse to cosmetic surgery. But this is not the only ex-candidate of Top Chef to be passed on the billiards. Indeed, Pierre Moscovici, the finalist of the show in 2015, also proceeded to a hair transplant.

By changing body part, we can also talk about Marion Lefebvre, the candidate of season 8 who holds several establishments in the south of France and more particularly in Aix-en-Provence. The pretty blonde had never hidden the fact of having had recourse to cosmetic surgery. “Yes, I had my breasts redone. I had a very big complex, I was flat as a breadboard. My size before the operation didn’t even exist in bras. I feel better in my body and in my head today”she explained, answering the question of a user on Instagram.

See also: Zapping: Top Chef (M6) the gadin of Hélène Darroze


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