Havana syndrome

As we inch closer to November 5, the day of the presidential elections in the United States, we can expect all the dirty tricks about Cuba. Cuba is not a national issue in the United States, but it is for the state of Florida, the epicenter of the far-right opposition which has dreamed for sixty years of doing battle with “the Castro regime.” » and return to power in Cuba.

So, in the middle of the electoral campaign, we come up with the old story of the ultrasound attacks – which we now nickname “the Havana syndrome” – of which civil servants and members of the CIA working at the US embassy in Havana. This time, we point the finger at GRU 29155, a squadron of the Russian military intelligence service specializing in sabotage operations and other dirty work. This commando would have in its possession an “energy weapon” which can simply be activated in the direction of the people you want to upset and which would cause throbbing headaches. We thus create a panic effect in order to scare those who would be interested in taking over. This is what emerges from a new survey.

We remember that it was under the Trump administration that these accusations arose pointing the finger at the Cuban secret services, with the result that overnight all the progress made under the mandate of President Obama was wiped out, to the point of of the US embassy in Havana an empty shell. We had found a good excuse to go back.

On November 5, either Joe Biden is re-elected and he takes the opportunity, during his second and final term, to repair the mess broken by Trump and somewhat ease the economic and commercial blockade against the socialist island, as he had promised. to do so during his electoral campaign, while removing Cuba from the list of countries encouraging terrorism. A bit like Obama did during his second term.

Either Donald Trump returns to power and we can only expect the worst from this rude, lying, sexist and unpredictable character. Moreover, in the meantime, the Miami opposition is not idle, it has prepared a bill that would prohibit any aid or financing for new Cuban entrepreneurs who own medium and small businesses (Mipymes). There are more than 11,000 of these Mipymes scattered across the island.

Yesterday, the Cuban government was criticized for denying any attempt to create private companies on its territory. For about two years, the government has now authorized the creation of medium and small private companies, to stimulate the economy and circumvent the blockade, among other things, but strangely, the United States condemns these initiatives and wants to prohibit any possibility of financing. from Cuban-Americans.

This same bill proposes to punish countries that agree to pay the Cuban government in exchange for sending Cuban doctors who provide free health services to populations in need. Since the 1960s, Cuba has sent more than 400,000 doctors on missions to 164 countries. These doctors are even encouraged to desert by promising them the possibility of quickly obtaining their US citizenship. You have to be vicious, not just a little bit, as Mr. Thing would say.

Culture and cinema


From April 9 to May 9, the Europe Month in Cuba, “a multicultural and multinational event designed as a platform to build links between artists and institutions from the Old Continent and the Caribbean island”. On the program, a European film festival where we can see the most recent cinematographic productions, with a section devoted to environmental protection. The majority of European Union countries will participate in this cultural event, which is in its second edition.

At the same time, the organizers of the Festival of New Latin American Cinema announced that the registration period for original film productions is now open until August 15. Five categories are planned: feature-length fiction film, first work, feature-length documentary, short film and animation. The 45th Festival of New Latin American Cinema will take place from December 5 to 15, 2024. I am of the opinion that we are French-speaking Latin Americans. Notice to interested directors.

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