has the big winner just revealed the identity of her little darling? The fans are sure!

On May 21, Nour was crowned big winner of the 11th season of the show “The Voice”. A pride for Florent Pagny who, despite his cancer, has never let down his little protege. ” He told me he was very proud of me, he was happy to end this season in style. At the moment, Florent is not in top form but when I see him in front of me, I find him happy, happy to be there, in top form. Sometimes he has moments of fatigue but he is happy “, confided the young singer to our colleagues from Télé-Loisirs after her victory.

Very close to the interpreter of the title “Savoir aime”, Nour also added in the columns of Here Paris: ” He was a dad to me! He told me he was very proud of me, I was touched. I find him very brave. Despite the illness, he remained very available and smiling to give me advice. Regarding my future career, he told me to be careful who I trust and not to be too naive. In this environment, not everyone wants you well “. Sound advice at the dawn of a new life under the spotlight.

Nour as a couple?

Very active on social networks since the beginning of the adventure “The Voice”, Nour has just published a nice selfie. Dressed all in black, she displays sublime hair. But if her beautiful curls caught the eye of some, others, meanwhile, did not fail to notice a disturbing detail. Indeed, if the young woman has false nails on her right hand, none are visible on the left. In the comments, she reacted as follows: Jpppppp my false nails not finished because of @gautiermrqs “. What the principal concerned answered “ Sorry bb “. A message that did not go unnoticed. Without further ado, Internet users immediately lent a secret affair to the pretty brunette. ” So cute », « Lovers “, could we read under the post. Did the big winner of The Voice reveal the identity of her darling without wanting to? The mystery remains intact.


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