has the army of kyiv begun its great counter-offensive?


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

M. De Chalvron, M. Khiat, @RevelateursFTV, C. Ricco – France 2

France Televisions

Moscow says several attacks by Ukrainian troops have been repelled. On the Ukrainian side, on the other hand, the authorities keep the greatest silence on their operations. According to Putin, kyiv’s counter-offensive has well and truly begun.

A video posted in the last 24 hours by a pro-Russian social media account is identified as taking place in the Zaporizhia region (Ukraine). It bears witness to violent clashes. It shows Ukrainian tanks destroyed one after the other. We even see a German Leopard tank, recently delivered to the Ukrainian army, pulverized. The video attests to an intensification of the fighting at various points on the front line.

The silence of the Ukrainian authorities

On the afternoon of June 9, the Russian president affirmed that the first steps of the great Ukrainian counter-offensive had failed.We can totally say that the great Ukrainian counter-offensive began, as proof, the use of their strategic reserve“, did he declare. A statement that contrasts with the absolute silence of the Ukrainian authorities, which however suggests that its troops are advancing on the Bakhmout front, a city conquered by Wagner’s militias three weeks ago. But according to a specialist, these are only the beginnings of the great counter-offensive.

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