Has Nabilla just unveiled the start of Baby Bump on Instagram? The photo in lingerie that is debating!

A few weeks ago, fans of Nabilla were able to find her on Amazon Prime to share her journey and especially the famous ceremony of her marriage during which a burglary took place. But for some time, it is for a completely different subject that Thomas’s wife has been talking about her. Indeed, as had already mentioned Public, the reality TV starlet would be on her way to resume diapers since she is expecting her second child.

For the moment, the principal concerned has not denied or confirmed the facts. That said, it would seem that the evidence is piling up week by week. After her shot on skis, which didn’t go well, the beautiful brunette decided to opt for a photo in cozy white lingerie that was still sexy, posted on Instagram. In a few seconds, Internet users were inflamed since some thought they guessed a rounded belly confirming the happy event.

Thus, Nabilla Vergara received many comments from her fans saying for example: “Oh we especially see the belly of the second baby”, “She is pregnant, it looks like we can see features” or even “Ohhh soon a little sister for Millan” , “Oh a little second?, “The little belly” but also “It is sure that she is pregnant” and “So @nabilla is pregnant or not? “.

Already the mother of a little boy named Milan aged two, Nabilla continues to share her daily life with her community, especially when her little one passed an important milestone last month. “He doesn’t wear diapers anymore, my son, I’m going to cry. All day he doesn’t have a diaper. At the crèche it’s going well, there were just one or two accidents. Afterwards, we put him back for the evening. and every night before the bath, he shows me that he doesn’t have a diaper. He’s growing up. Yesterday I cried. I tell myself that it’s something crazy. Two years ago, I crossed his look for the first time in the maternity ward. I wondered if he was going to love me, if I was going to succeed. Now I have a little being who depends entirely on me and in fact, it’s wonderful. It’s love, it’s life, it brings joy to our lives. It’s beautiful. But it passes quickly. I see everything going through my head,” she confessed last month. What if the next step was to become a big brother? To be continued…https://www.instagram.com/p/CZKN65SqP0t/?utm_medium=copy_linkSee also: Tonya Kinzinger talks about her health: “I dread not being able to walk anymore…”

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