Has Macha Méril just accused François Truffaut of sexual assault?

He is THE major figure of the New Wave. Director of “Jules and Jim“, “The Man Who Loved Womenor “The Last Metro” (César for best film and César for best director) with our national Catherine Deneuve. François Truffaut left us in 1984, at the age of 52. This October 23, 2023, the actress Macha Méril, widow of Michel Legrand, made serious accusations against the iconic filmmaker.

“If me too existed at that time, he would have been in the dock”

Faced with Pascal Praud, this Monday morning, on CNews, the 83-year-old star explained about the man who was once her companion and for whom she never filmed that she had “Something to say” on him, and in particular: “I took a little trip with him, yes, I’ll tell you yes, I took a little trip, but it didn’t last long…”

Macha Méril thus explained that it was she who ended her relationship with François Truffaut before specifying: “if me too existed at that time, he would have been in the dock”. A confidence that froze everyone on the set. “No seriously ? he’s a François Truffaut icon.” exclaimed Pascal Praud.

Perhaps concerned about a defamation complaint from the filmmaker’s heirs, Macha Méril preferred to leave it there. She only added: “I can’t tell you about it because I’m going to get hit by everyone, but…”

A cinema that says a lot?

Left unsatisfied, the host of “Time for the pros” confessed to him: “you said too much there“. A sequence which should have the effect of a bomb across the celebrity planet. During his career, François Truffaut told the story of femmes fatales, as well as dungeons in his feature films. In love with his actresses, he notably Nathalie Baye, Jeanne Moreau, Isabelle Adjani, Dorothée, Bernadette Lafont, Marie-France Pisier, François Dorléac, as well as Fanny Ardant, who was his last love. And few of them resisted his charm…


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