Video length: 2 min
Tracking down Mohamed Amra: has justice failed in monitoring the detainee?
Mohamed Amra, perpetrator of the attack on the prison van, still cannot be found following his escape. The unions are wondering about a possible failure in his monitoring during his detention.
(France 2)
Mohamed Amra, perpetrator of the attack on the prison van, still cannot be found following his escape. The unions are wondering about a possible failure in his monitoring during his detention.
The dangerousness of Mohamed Amra was well known to investigators. And for good reason: the inmate had a tapped cell phone and a micro-spy in his cell. Why then, was this fugitive whose escape caused the death of two prison officers not considered a particularly high-profile detainee, with a corresponding alert level? Was the information shared? Prison surveillance unions are wondering about a possible failure.
“The question arises: who knew what? To what level”raises Wilfried Fonck, UFAP UNSA Justice national secretary. “If indeed there was, at one time or another, a bug in the circulation of information [il faut] understand this bug and ensure that this bug does not happen again”, says Wilfried Fonck. The Ministry of Justice is investigating whether the judges transmitted the results of their wiretapping to the prison administration.