Has Joe Biden ever spoken to Vladimir Putin?

On December 14, 2020, Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States, thus becoming the oldest to enter the White House! At the start of his taking office, Donald Trump’s successor was able to meet a good number of his counterparts, in particular Vladimir Putin. The two men saw each other in particular during a summit organized in Switzerland, in the Villa La Grange, at Eaux-Vives in Geneva. A place that had already hosted Reagan and Gorbachev in 1985.

Subsequently, the exchanges between the two leaders took place by telephone. Last December, they spoke twice about the tensions between the two countries as well as the massive deployment of Russian soldiers on the border with Ukraine.

And still, in this very hot context, Joe Biden and Vladimir Poutine had agreed to meet again, according to an announcement made by the Elysee earlier this week. She specifies that the talks will subsequently be extended to “all stakeholders” to the Ukrainian crisis.

“There is an agreement on the fact of having to continue the dialogue. Talking about concrete plans for organizing summits is premature”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. However, he believes that“a meeting is possible if the heads of state deem it useful”.

But since then, things have quickly changed. A Russian invasion of Ukraine took place with explosions that rang out in several cities across the country. He also threatened those who oppose the conflict with “consequences you have never experienced before”.

The former vice-president of Barack Obama denounced a “unwarranted attack”. “The world will hold Russia accountable” he said, also referring to “penalties devastating“.

See also: Brigitte Macron: This XXL gala dress that gives her a hard time on the steps of the Élysée… Her husband Emmanuel Macron comes to her aid!


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