harvest at nightfall


France 3

Article written by

France 3 Languedoc-Roussillon: P. Guillou, E. Garibaldi, L. Garcia – France 3

France Televisions

For the Gris de Gris, famous wine from the Camargue sands, to be of quality, it has a particularity: the grapes must be harvested at night.

In the Camargue, the grapes are ready, so the harvest can begin. But in Aigues-Mortes (gard)no work under a blazing sun, the harvest is done at after dark. The night harvest is a tradition for the Rosé des Sables. Ten hectares and 100 tons were harvested that night. From 8 p.m. until dawn, for a month, Alban Bechard is with his machine.

It’s not just the staff who take advantage of the coolness of the night. With temperatures lower than daytime, the taste and freshness of the grapes are preserved.The objective is to be able to have a temperature of the bunches which is around 12-13°C before pressing.“, explains Julien Fort, director of the vineyards. First producer of rosé, France is also the first consumer. The French drink each year more than a third of the world production.

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