Harry Styles ‘new King of Pop’? Michael Jackson’s family offended

Harry Styles continues to climb the ladder in music and more specifically in the world of pop. So much so that he has just been qualified as “the new king of pop” by the famous American magazine RollingStone, which has just made the British singer the cover of its new number. His third album, Harry’s House, is currently a hit since its release last May. Without forgetting his androgynous look which clashes, recalling in particular the spirit of David Bowie – former world star in the 70s – but also Mick Jagger, although this comparison does not please the singer of Rolling Stones. Harry Styles is notably one of the rare members of a boy band (One Direction) to have sublimated himself during his solo passage.

But despite this undeniable success, Taj, one of Michael Jackson’s nephews, was offended by this front page since the expression “king of pop“has always been associated with his uncle thus far. And he wants it to stay that way.”There is no new king of pop. RollingStoneyou don’t have authority over the title, you didn’t earn it, unlike my uncle“, he said on his account Twitter, considering that this status won by his uncle is the consecration of “decades of dedication and sacrifice“. However, far be it from him to want to disrespect Harry Styles, which he also finds “very talented“. But he feels that it should rather be given to him “its own title“, which would be “unique” and not inspired by that of Michael Jackson.

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