Harry and Meghan invited to attend the coronation of Charles III

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been invited to attend the coronation of King Charles III, reports Sunday The Sunday Timess, but the couple, who left with a bang to live in the United States in 2020, have not yet indicated whether they will make the trip.

According to a spokesperson for the couple quoted by the British daily, Prince Harry “recently received an email from Her Majesty’s office about the coronation” of Charles, 74, which is to be held on May 6.

“An immediate decision on the attendance of the Duke and Duchess will not be communicated from our side at this stage,” said the spokesperson.

Contacted by AFP, Buckingham Palace declined to comment on this information.

The return of the ‘Sussexes’ to the UK to attend the coronation has been the subject of much speculation in the British media in recent months, following the couple’s virulent attacks on the royal family.

After a documentary aired on Netflix in December, Harry, 38, published his controversial memoir entitled The Alternatein which he recounts his adolescence marked by drugs and alcohol and details the breakdown of his relationship with his father, King Charles III, and his brother William.

Again on Saturday evening, the Duke of Sussex made new confessions during an interview with a trauma specialist, Gabor Mate, broadcast on the Internet with paid access.

He explains in particular that he has always felt “slightly different” from the rest of the British royal family and confides that having grown up in a “broken family”, he does his best not to transmit “traumas” to his children, Archie 3 years old, and Lilibet, 1 year old.

Harry and Megan have only returned to the UK on rare occasions since leaving in 2020, including to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral last September.

The Duke of Sussex had traveled alone for the funeral of his grandfather Prince Philip in 2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

During these trips, the couple stayed at Frogmore Cottage, a royal residence in Windsor, which King Charles III asked them to return, a spokesperson for the couple said earlier this week.

According to a source close to the Sussexes, quoted by their biographer, Omid Scobie, they would have “until the beginning of the summer”, that is after the coronation of Charles, to move their belongings remaining in the residence.

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