Harry and Meghan criticize the tabloid The Sun

(London) Prince Harry and his wife Meghan denounced this weekend the “coup de comm'” which they say represents the regrets of the tabloid The Sun about a column that violently attacked the Duchess of Sussex.

Last week, the former car show presenter Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson wrote that he dreams of the day when Meghan would have to “parade naked through the streets of every city in the UK, while the crowds shout ‘Shame!’ and throw excrement on him”.

The newspaper said on Friday that it regretted the publication of the text, which it removed from its website and its archives, saying it was “sincerely sorry”.

“The fact that the Sun failure to contact the Duchess of Sussex to apologize shows their intentions. It’s nothing more than a publicity stunt,” a spokesperson for Harry and Meghan said on Saturday.

“While the public totally deserves the title’s regrets for their dangerous words, we would not be in this situation if the Sun was not continually profiting and exploiting hatred, violence and misogyny,” the spokesperson added.

The contentious article prompted a record number of complaints (more than 20,000) to the British press regulator and numerous convictions of public figures.

Jeremy Clarkson had in response invoked “a clumsy reference to [la série] Game Of Thrones “.

“It was taken badly by many people. I am horrified to have caused so much pain and will be more careful in the future,” he wrote.

In one of the most striking sequences of Game Of Thronesa female character undergoes a “walk of shame”, where she is forced to wander the streets naked while people throw trash at her.

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