Harassment: still accused of having targeted MP Marwah Rizqy

The Sorelois who allegedly harassed MP Marwah Rizqy during the last elections in Quebec is accused of having repeated the offense and this time the Crown is opposed to any release.

• Read also: Threats to the place of the elected: he wanted to be the driver of Marwah Rizqy

“That means I’m going to stay here [en détention]? Can’t I like to sign a promise to appear?” asked, looking puzzled, Claude Delaney, during his brief appearance by videoconference this Monday at the Montreal courthouse.

Delaney, 62, is a Montrealer who seemed to do everything to get closer to the elected members of the National Assembly. During the last election campaign, he had even offered to become a volunteer driver.

Claude Delaney

Photo taken from facebook, Archives

Claude Delaney

However, behind these fine intentions, he would have made threats against the Liberal MP. He would also have called the police and the office of deputy Enrico Ciccone to announce his impending death.

Arrested and charged with harassment, Delaney was released on bail pending trial.

But as recently as last week, he reportedly relapsed.

“Between February 23 and February 26, 2023, in Montreal, [Delaney] acted towards Marwah Rizqy with the intention of harassing her”, indicates the denunciation filed in her file.

  • Listen to the interview with Jean-Pierre Charbonneau on the Philippe-Vincent Foisy show broadcast live via QUB-radio :

He is also accused of having broken a condition not to communicate either with her or with her team of political attachés.

Detained in an operational center, he did not seem to appreciate when the Crown announced that it wanted him to remain detained, so he will have to wait a few days for a judge to decide on his release on bail.

“I have rent to pay on the 1er March. If I don’t have access to a computer, I couldn’t pay,” he told the court.

However, the argument was not enough to change the Crown’s mind, which also asked that Delaney be met by psychosocial emergency criminologists.

He will return to court on Wednesday to provide an update on his mental health.

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