Harassment, remarks on racism and homophobia… The files that plague the presidency of Noël Le Graët at the FFF

For Noël Le Graët, the files accumulate. One month after the investigation of SoFoot on the internal dysfunctions of the French Football Federation, the president of the body is again accused by new testimonies in an investigation carried out by Radio France. At 80, the Guingampais, present at the head of the 3F since 2011 and re-elected in 2021, had to manage several complicated files, such as the desire to revise the collective image rights agreement. But he also found himself caught up in controversy after speaking out on social issues, such as human rights in Qatar or racism in football.

Homophobia: “We stop too many matches” for homophobic cries and demonstrations

On the sidelines of the France-Andorra match in qualifying for Euro 2021, in September 2019, an outing by Noël Le Graët on homophobia in the stadiums is controversial. In the columns of West Francethe president of the FFF believes “that we stopped too many matches” for homophobic cries and demonstrations in the stadiums, as has been the case for several league matches since the start of the season.

He persists at the microphone of franceinfo a few days later, asking the referees not to stop the matches in the face of homophobic demonstrations. “Considering that football is homophobic is a bit strong coffee, I do not accept it”, he then adds. Le Graët also asserts that racism, which could justify stopping matches, and homophobia in stadiums, “It’s not the same thing”. The exit arouses the anger of associations fighting against homophobia, and a reframing of the Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu, for whom the position of the president of the 3F is “erroneous”.

Racism: “The racist phenomenon in football does not exist, or hardly exists”

A year later, Noël Le Graët is once again being talked about, this time on the debates around racism in football. Invited to react to the suspicions of racist insults between Neymar and Alvaro Gonzalez during Marseille-PSG, the president brushes aside the questions. “When a Black scores a goal, the whole stadium is standing. The racist phenomenon in sport, and in football in particular, does not exist, or hardly exists”, he blurts out. His remarks lead to a demonstration of SOS Racisme in front of the headquarters of the FFF.

In the summer of 2021, he is interviewed by SoFoot on the fact that racism is not a subject for the Federation. Wait, I’m a business manager, I have employees, never… Even here, my secretary, go see her skin color. And the director I just hired, a Diallo”, he then replies. The president is also pinned down by Kylian Mbappé, who criticizes him for not having defended him after his missed penalty at the Euro, and the criticisms, in particular racist, which followed. “He considered that there had been no racism”, writes the player on Twitter.

Human rights in Qatar: “no reason” for the country “not to organize” the World Cup

The president of the French Football Federation also shocked with his remarks on human rights in Qatar. In an interview with AFP at the end of November 2021, Le Graët assures us that “the World Cup will be in Qatar” and “that there is no reason for this country not to organize a big event.”

Relaunched on human rights abuses in the country, it cuts short: “I have read all this, but France will go to Qatar […] That there are problems on some files, we can always hear it, but I think that football contributes to the rapprochement. “They have made a huge effort. Qatar has made enormous progress on the social level”he again assures the Parisian in April 2022.

Business at the FFF: accusations of harassment and internal dysfunctions

For a month, the FFF and its president have been in turmoil. A survey published by the magazine SoFoot on September 8 calls into question the behavior of Noël Le Graët and his management of internal dysfunctions. Anonymous testimonies refer in particular to messages of a sexual nature sent to employees.

A week after the publication of the survey, the Ministry of Sports announces the launch of an audit to shed light on the events, after a meeting between Amélie Oudéa-Castera, the Minister of Sports, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Noël Le Graët, and the general manager of the FFF Florence Hardouin. Wednesday, October 12, the Radio France investigation unit reveals new testimonies from women and men, who have remained anonymous, accusing Noël Le Graët of behavior “inappropriate” and of “harassment”. He is described there as a “clumsy”. attitude “ambiguous” of its general manager is also underlined according to these same testimonies.

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