Harassment at FTQ-Construction | The National Assembly adopts a unanimous motion demanding an inquiry

(Quebec) The National Assembly on Wednesday adopted a unanimous motion requiring the Quebec Federation of Labor (FTQ) to launch an investigation to shed light on recent revelations concerning the presidency of the FTQ-Construction.

Posted at 11:46 a.m.

It was the Minister of Employment and Labour, Jean Boulet, who rose in the House to present this motion, which received the approval of all members.

The motion notably invites the National Assembly to recognize that all organizations must be exemplary in the prevention of psychological and sexual harassment.

She points out that the construction industry is no exception and that it has a responsibility to ensure a healthy work environment free from all forms of harassment for all workers.

Recall that on April 28, the president of the FTQ-Construction, Rénald Grondin, resigned, in the wake of revelations that he harassed a secretary for two years.

In 2021, women made up only 3.27% of the industry’s total workforce, and about 55% of them leave construction sites after five years.

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