Happy New Year with the Cactus Riders: Rock’n’roll on the program!

Take out the jukeboxes, the white and black tiles, the pin-up dresses … We arrive in a Cadillac during this Nouvelle Scène recorded at the Théâtre auditorium in Poitiers. We are in the 50s, and we meet the American group from Poitou “Cactus Riders“! The group is formed by Caryl Marolleau, Benjamin Renaud, Andolin Vermillet and Vincent Dacquet. Together, they make us travel thanks to rock’n’roll standards like” Rock around the clock “,” Twist and shout “or still “waitin ‘school”.

The poitevin group “Cactus Riders” at the theater auditorium of Poitiers © Radio France

“Cactus Riders Vocal Quartet”

The group Cactus Riders offers, in addition to its electric and very rock’n’roll configuration, its acoustic show “Cactus Riders Vocal Quartet”. The 4 artists are accompanied only by an acoustic guitar and have fun theming this show in halloween mode or even Christmas carols. A spectacle to absolutely discover, because the Cactus Riders … they sing but not only! They dance too!

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Note in the agenda! The group will host the theatrical improvisation match of the LUDI (Poitiers University Improvisation League) on January 19. Meet at the Poitiers student house at 8:30 p.m. To know all the concert dates and the news of this group that we love: Facebook , Website and Youtube ! Go see them in concert, you will not be disappointed! Cactus Riders … 1000% approved by France Bleu Poitou!

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