Well, I’m leaving you here for a couple of weeks. To celebrate the Nativity, and the New Year, and American college football. You also have to see that a new retiree like me gets tired quickly, it’s less strong than it was. Cocky in politics, but small nature since.
So, before we leave, let’s settle this right away, in our own way: happy holidays to you, and happy new year big noses, equally big teeth, and success in your studies! As for paradise until the end of your days, I have a little embarrassment, not sure you all deserve it…
Heading north for the holidays, but back to my southern Republican neighbors afterwards. As you can see, I don’t behave too hard. Bella Vida !
I know it can be a little disgusting, to have happiness thrown like that in flip-flops. Sorry, but I wish you the same at my age.
I don’t want to add too much, but know that to follow a soccer World Cup, the best job is retired.
Previously, in business, as Jacques Parizeau used to say, I didn’t really like it when someone told me about their winter hanging out in Fort Lauderrrdaaale, or the surrounding area.
And when I went there for a few moments of emptiness, the pleasure too often gave way to impatience. I sometimes wondered what I was doing there, when there was surely a job waiting for me at the office.
The crazy impression that the City of Quebec was becoming catatonic in my absence, when it was surely better for it.
Finally, I now find that it is not so stupid to be there, to deglaze them. But not too long, am not a pelican, and there are limits to being around lizards.
On the other hand, I stand out against the background, I don’t play golf. I already tried though, until I understood that it was driving me crazy. Impossible to develop a relationship with the little dumpling, and too much finesse in the gesture, and in the mental posture, for a restless person like me.
The last time I ran after a small thing with a stick in my hands was a hockey puck, at the Bantam Condors of Domaine Saint-Charles, in Quebec, 100 years ago.
Times are changing, you wouldn’t believe that. So imagine that my main concern these days is to put together the Christmas stockings for the two mice in my life, my third generation.
What am I saying, not stockings, but sheets, pockets, like that of the wily old gentleman, who has the strange habit of infiltrating chimneys. The Amazon Prime sled.
I put time into it this time, because I have some, precisely. I love. A real madman. If I let myself go, I’d fill the backside of a ten-wheeler. It rolls the gugusses in the basket, ladies and gentlemen! To the sound of the most beautiful Christmas song ever: Happy Xmas by John Lennon.
Because my theory, you see, is that in love crabs, the strategy of the nice big gift VSOP, it’s risky on the potential for disappointment. So on my side, it’s the strategy of the slew, I grabbed it, that one, the number outweighs the quality, and it works every time, return of love guaranteed, which is the goal , obviously.
And to see the face they make, and the delirium that comes with it, when they empty the treasure, I would start again every week. Well, you will understand that I do not follow Canada’s Food Guide to the letter… Parents pick up the collateral effects, such as blood sugar levels at the ceiling, which derail the sleeps. But that’s not grandpa’s problem, who isn’t paid to do health food.
In another register, to conclude 2022, the Time elected a key personality of the year, President Zelensky of Ukraine.
If I was asked my opinion, after him, my choice would be courageous women.
First and foremost, Iranian women, for their heroic fight at home, against this menagerie of facho diplodocus who rule them. When I read about the hangings of opponents, the image comes back to me of Private Brody, who is hanged at the end of a crane, in the series Homeland.
And these women in India who always rise up to fight the rape of their daughters, these too often collective. It’s hard to believe it exists. Bestial.
And those rare Afghan women who dare to challenge the decision of the Taliban, those great poets, to prevent women from continuing their studies from high school.
And finally, albeit differently, ex-White House employee Cassidy Hutchinson and Republican Rep. Liz Cheney for slapping all the cowardly men out of their professions, except Republican Adam Kinzinger, by testifying, as Ms.me Hutchison, before the January 6 House of Representatives Committee on the Capitol Storming, and sitting there, like Mr.me Cheney, at the cost of his electoral defeat.
And how many others.
But in the end, we will not have lost everything in 2022. While the fractures accumulate in the world, we have nevertheless succeeded in nuclear fusion. Allah be praised!
Between us
I recommended that you read the first book of this Intimate history of the Ve Republic, The startby Franz-Olivier Giesbert.
I do the same with the second: The good times.
For those who like the genre, candy!
World: we were behind France, of course. Come on, Blues! But we also thought that Messi, La Pulga, deserved it, for a long time. What a magnificent spectacle!
See you next year !

Intimate history of the Ve Republic – The Belle Epoque
Franz-Olivier Giesbert
Gallimard, November 2022
400 pages